platinum program offset registration

GTX’s proactive carbon offsets provide companies / organisations with environmental credentials instantly. Companies, organisations and governments can then rest easy knowing they are proactively offsetting their emissions as well as forming a vital link in combatting climate change. This allows much needed changes to happen quickly, compared to purchasing regulated carbon credits which are overly complicated, expensive and unquantifiable.

The number of proactive carbon offsets required is determined by Partners which may offset their entire emissions or only partially with both scenarios moving the world towards a better tomorrow. A comparative CO2 emissions table is here for reference and some examples offset applications are below:

  • Emissions due to employee computer use;
  • Emissions due to motor vehicle fleet operation;
  • Emissions created by owned buildings;
  • Building airconditioning;
  • Emissions due to employee business travel;
  • Replacement ‘footprint’ of all buildings;
  • Emissions applicable to product manufacture etc

Compliant with ISO 14,001 Environmental Management System that helps organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment. Likewise how they comply with applicable laws, regulations and other environmentally oriented requirements.

The process for obtaining Business Plus Platinum proactive carbon offsets is easy. Simply complete the form below and push the ‘Submit’ button. This is done so each application can be assessed considering current availability of planting areas in the network. Once approved Platinum Business Plus Partners receive GTX support services as identified here.

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landholder application

Existing landholders that are performing new planting and / or preserving existing habitat are able to apply to be a ‘Supplier’.

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