tree supplier registration

Existing landholders that are performing new planting and / or preserving existing habitat are able to apply to be a ‘Supplier’. For an application to be successful, specific conditions must be met. Applicability is confirmed by completing the form below. Note: if any of the mandatory fields denoted by (*) cannot be complied with it is highly likely the application will not be successful.

10 + 10 =

(1) GTX provides drone operator training to allow land holders to plant on our behalf using GTX software. Note: all local aviation licence fees are payable by the supplier.

credit register

GTX’s clients’ company details are included on our Tree Credit register. This includes the number of tree credits purchased, date and use. These details can be either publicly visible on our website or set to ‘private’ mode.

purchase programs

Our five standard volume purchase programs make it easy to purchase proactive carbon offsets. The sixth ‘Platinum’ program is for institutional and governmental buyers requiring large scale coverage. Each program has a designated planting area, pricing with the number of Tree Credits attributable. A Tree Credit is equivalent to five seeds spread by drone as the minimum germination and survival rate is one in five or 20%, and the maximum germination rate is 90%.

Tree credits are priced consistently per acre of coverage for the first five programs. A ‘Price on Application’ (POA) is available for ‘Platinum’ buyers based upon specific requirements.

Payment is via credit card for the first four programs with Gold and Platinum payable via monthly instalments.

Purchasing Tree Credits enables clients to display a Program Logo on their website and marketing material. Program logos that includes the name of the program and a QR code for scanning by the public. Once scanned, this code links to the relevant GTX landing page. Personal, Green, Bronze and Silver programs link to generic landing page shown here.
Gold and Platinum members’ QR codes link to their project specific landing pages that include the member’s organisation logo, photographs of planting areas, footage including their logo on the drone during part of their planting program and general flight path information. This landing page can also include a link to the member’s environmental website if available. In this case, the QR code has a pre-set validity period which can be extended to suit additional subscriptions.

Examples of relevant carbon offsets are shown for convenience.

To proceed, simply choose the required program below by clicking the link at the base of the table.


This tables identifies the Purchase Program options.

Program: Personal

Coverage area:
1/4 acre planted
Prices (USD):
Tree credits supplied:
USD / acre:
$1,460 / acre
Credit card
Landing page type:
Office staff emissions
as referenced here: Personal only

 Sample offsets

Program: Green

Coverage area:
1 acre planted
Prices (USD):
Tree credits supplied:
USD / acre:
$1,460 / acre
Credit card
Landing page type:
Office staff emissions offset
max 4 staff

 Sample offsets

Program: Bronze

Coverage area:
3 acres planted
Prices (USD):
Tree credits supplied:
USD / acre:
$1,460 / acre
Credit card
Landing page type:
Office staff emissions offset
max. 12 staff

 Sample offsets

Program: Silver

Coverage area:
5 acres planted
Prices (USD):
Tree credits supplied:
USD / acre:
$1,460 / acre
Credit card
Landing page type:
Office staff emissions offset
max. 25 staff

 Sample offsets

Program: Gold

Coverage area:
20 acres planted
Prices (USD):
Tree credits supplied:
USD / acre:
$1,460 / acre
Monthly instalmnets
Landing page type:
Project specific
Office staff emissions offset
max. 100 staff

 Sample offsets

Program: Platinum

Coverage area:
2,500 acres + planted
Prices (USD):
Tree credits supplied:
Coverage based
Coverage based
USD / acre:
Coverage based
Monthly instalments
Landing page type:
Project specific
Office staff emissions offset
Coverage based

 Sample offsets

On average, one acre of new forest can sequester about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of 13 pounds per tree each year. Trees reach their most productive stage of carbon storage at about 10 years at which point they are estimated to absorb 48 pounds of CO2 per year. (show this equals an office work yearly CO2 emission rate.


GTX’s technical specialists provide on-site support for planting using drone and associated mapping technology as shown below.

All images below are too small, I had to stretch them. Please provide me with larger originals and I can then make them same height.

The specially developed software is licenced to GTX. It enables a site team to plant forty-five hectares per day. Multiplied by our twenty planting sites takes total new planting capacity to two million trees per day with a yearly capacity of 225 thousand hectares.
All flight paths are logged with the relevant aviation authority. The flight paths are also recorded as shown below and included within our client report to confirm the required coverage area and date. Video footage of part of this activity is captured by a second drone showing our client’s logos on the planter drone during the operation. This footage is available for clients’ promotional use.


Our satellite technology partner Garmin provides photographic information allowing tracking of planted areas as well as identification of major areas requiring planting. Yearly visits to replanted sites also provides firsthand knowledge of plant growth rates.


We must change course by 2020, the UN Secretary-General has said, or we risk missing the point where we can avoid the “disastrous consequences for people and all the natural systems that sustain us.”

Want to help save the world from climate change? Then look out for the Global tree xchange partners who have committed to help save our plant. Together we need to plant trees like there’s no tomorrow… at least 1 trillion of them, and fast!

That may sound like a lot, but the Earth has room. In a new study that excluded cities and agricultural areas, researchers found that the planet has nearly 3.5 million square miles (9 million square kilometres) to spare for trees. Such newly planted trees could cut carbon (a part of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide) in the atmosphere by nearly 25%, bringing it down to levels not seen for nearly 100 years, the scientists said.

The study shows where in the world these trees could be planted, and how much carbon they could store. (Trees take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it in a process called photosynthesis, which allows them to grow, ultimately storing that carbon in their leaves and other parts.) Russia has the most space at 583,000 square miles (1.5 million square km), followed by the United States at 397,700 square miles (1 million square km), the researchers found. The next top contenders are Canada with 302,700 square miles (784,000 square km), Australia with 223,900 square miles (578,900 square km), Brazil with 191,900 square miles (497,000 square km), and China with 155,200 square miles (402,000 square km) available for new green shoots. Global tree xchange is utilizing state of the art drone technology and advanced botanical scientific practices to make planting at record pace a reality with carbon negative operations.

The following table provides relevant average emissions to assist companies determine how much CO2 to offset and the corresponding number of tree credits to purchase.

Carbon emission per:

Annual emission

Number of tree credits required

Acres required for planting

GTX proactive carbon offsets cost (USD)

Corresponding purchase program

Person x 1

7 tonnes





Family (four people)

18 tonnes






 x 1

4 tonnes





 x 5

21 tonnes





 x 10

42 tonnes



$1,460 x 2

Green x 2

 x 50

210 tonnes



$4,380 + $7,300

Bronze + silver

 x 100

4,200 tonnes



$29,200 x 2

Gold x 2







Car emissions

5 tonnes





Domestic flight x 20

7 tonnes





International flight

4.2 tonnes





Based on young trees absorbing thirteen pounds of CO2 each per year.
* Includes commute allowance