Global Tree Xchange

What we do

Global Tree Xchange (GTX) is a world leader in tree planting programs. We are directly addressing the 15 billion trees destroyed every year by implementing global afforestation and reforestation tree planting programs with current planting capacity of 1.4 billion trees per annum.

Why we do it

Planting operations run with military precision enabling high volumes not seen before, creating large areas of carbon sequestration forests. Trees are our focus because they:

  • filter CO2 from the atmosphere creating oxygen;
  • filter water before entering drinking reservoirs, waters and oceans;
  • shade the earth’s surface creating a cooler environment;
  • reduce rainwater run-off on the land;
  • cause minimal CO2 emissions in the planting process (which are already fully offset) compared to manufacture of windmills or solar panels.

In addition, planting trees is easy to understand compared to overly complicated carbon credits that have no tangible outcome.

How we do it

Each GTX team plants in excess of 800,000 trees per day with a multitude of projects globally. We use all-weather planter drones (as shown attached), equipped with proprietary software.

Our planting ‘mission verification process’ (MVP) includes all registered and recorded flight path, GPS coordinates, real-time video footage, seed inventory register and third-party verification. High definition satellite photography is then used for post-planting records.

International planting locations are managed through satellite offices, with locations including public and private property as well as national parks.

As part of our stringent planting policy, landholders are contracted to environmental preservation conditions prior to any planting being done. Once a location is secured, GTX botanical scientists in conjunction with local land management authorities determine optimum seed types and mix ratios in conjunction with landholders.

By offsetting via tree plantings purchased directly from GTX, our environmental partners can be confident of a bona-fide product at very efficient rates. This is due to a large-scale fully audited operation combined with proactive landholders that see tree planting as vital for the survival of living creatures on our planet.

All-weather planter

Note, proactive carbon offsets are 100% tax deductible in Australia and may attract a tax deduction in other countries (please obtain independent advice) and ISO 14001:2015 compatible.

proactive carbon offsets are 100% tax deductible in Australia

Seed planting performed with rotary sprayer using seed and ratio mix designed by GTX botanical experts.

proactive carbon offsets are 100% tax deductible in Australia

flight path software forms part of the ‘mission verification process (MVP)

proactive carbon offsets are 100% tax deductible in Australia