

location:  AUSTRALIA

Projects’ primary purpose is preservation of natural bush land, bush regeneration on previously grazed areas and land conservation including erosion control and promotion of biodiversity. Supported by management practices providing local employment to maintain the integrity of fencing, noxious weed management and forestry mapping. This property’s operational purpose is the supply of offsets to ensure GTX remains carbon negative for emissions associated to staff travel, seed procurement, drone operation and running of offices.
global tree exchange conservation australia


  • 2 million trees on 2,057 hectares;
  • Providing 105,000 tonnes of carbon offset per year totalling 5,670,000 tonnes since establishment in 1965;
  • Achieves the Gold Standard as set defined in the Kyoto Protocol;
  • 50+ existing native species;
  • 3-5 year management plans in place;
  • Leading conservation program in the region;
  • Significant rock formations acting as a carbon bank.
global tree exchange conservation australia
global tree exchange conservation australia


Creating local employment for weed and fire management with an onsite environmental education centre to illustrate the biodiversity of the area including 200 labour days.

global tree exchange conservation australia
global tree exchange conservation australia