The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
The second best time is today.

Chinese proverb


Every year more than 15 billion trees are destroyed. In response, Global Tree Xchange (GTX) preserves the planet by planting new trees to provide Proactive Carbon Offsets. These ‘offsets’ are available for purchase by companies, organisations and governments, in-turn showing they value the environment on which we all rely. This new planting triggers natural regrowth and is performed using proprietary drone and satellite technology. Each onsite team plants up to 800,000 trees per day in a single location. Our licenced drone pilots log all flight paths with relevant authorities which also form proof-of-planting for third party certification.

There has never been a greater need to reduce and eventually reverse our CO2 emissions. If every business in the world committed to planting 6.25 acres, human-caused global warming would be reversed. This area is available for planting based on comparative studies enclosed and areas highlighted. To show the world your company / organisation / government is acting on this dire situation, become a program partner by simply clicking below to add vital native vegetation to our ravaged planet. Likewise, existing landholders can register as suppliers.

Our Proactive Carbon Offsets:

  • Are 100% tax deductible in Australia and may attract a tax deduction in other countries (please obtain independent advice);
  • Can assist with ISO 14001:2015 compliance which exists to help organizations minimize how their operations negatively affect the environment; comply with applicable laws, regulations, other environmentally oriented requirements; and continually improve.
Only global tree exchange

Multinational network enabling high volume

In excess of 1.4 billion new plantings per annum

“Previous events when CO2 was added to the atmosphere more slowly and sometimes in similar amounts show us what may happen if we do not act. These events coincided with mass extinctions and major rises in sea level,”

Andrew Mackenzie
BHP CEO July 2019

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